Reynard Devlog #13 – Wilson (0.8.4)

New boss Wilson has arrived to Reynard’s dungeons!


Previous week we’ve released an “easier” boss Doctor Plague and now I’m presenting you Wilson! He’s a weird entity (big eyeball) accompanied by small “Willies” (little eyeballs).

Wilson deals chaotic damage and has a powerful energy beam attack! So you better be careful when you’re poking him in the eye!

Doctor Plague Buff

As mentioned previous week, I knew that I’ll have to buff the doctor… and so I did! He’s now roaming around cemetery raising skeletons!

Doctor plague update

Other Changes

I’ve added some decorations to the Dexter’s level and changed the whole progression through the dungeons. If you’ll want to save Prascilla you’ll have to go through:

  1. Basement dungeon
  2. Basement dungeon
  3. Boss
  4. Basement invasion
  5. Desert dungeon
  6. Desert dungeon
  7. Boss
  8. Desert invasion
  9. Winter dungeon
  10. Winter dungeon
  11. Boss
  12. Winter Invasion
  13. Final Boss

I think that the progression is more interesting this way… You have to face one more boss in the end, but you’ll progress through the dungeons faster! Other thing that I’ve changed is that special rooms like: Forge, Library, Shrine… are now populated also with different pots, traps and so on!

Update is alive and kicking on!

Till next time! Have fun POKING WILSON’S EYE!!! 😀

reynard roguelike rpg update wilson zelda