Reynard Devlog #31 – Optimization, Bug Fixes and the Future (1.0.3)
This week I focused on optimization and bug fixes. I also have some important news about the future of Reynard and Hyper Fox Studios.
A lot of people asked me if Reynard will be released on Nintendo Switch platform and I can finally reply that… IT WILL!!! Nintendo approved my developer account for Switch. This gave me another huge motivation boost!
This means that I’ll be:
- Adding more new content (bosses, enemies, items…),
- Further optimize the game,
- Squish undiscovered and upcoming bugs!
It’s good news, but I’ll have more expenses by getting the right hardware (Switch) and so on. Besides that, my PC freezes from time to time. I really hope that he only has a “phase”.
I’m super happy that so many of you support Reynard. But I’m not able to live off our little fox 😀 So in the next couple of weeks, I’ll try to earn enough money for the upcoming costs. I’ll have to pick up some client work in web development. So in these weeks don’t be mad if there will be only minor updates for Reynard.
Enough with the news! Here are the changes!
All Changes
- [MAJOR] Movement and dash of Reynard and NPCs has been optimized. The game should run smooth now on 60 FPS.
- [MINOR] Added the FPS option – 60 FPS.
- [MINOR] Added the starting area blocades in Ferdinand’s level.
- [MINOR] When crafting, everything except equipment now gets added to your inventory automatically.
- [BUGFIX] Fixed the bug when you’d play on the easy mode and the perk would take away more stamina than allowed.
- [BUGFIX] Daily run on easy mode now loads starting items correctly.
- [BUGFIX] Mumu now deals damage over time.
- [BUGFIX] Effect zones of spawned cursed weapons don’t get blown away by the wind anymore.
- [BUGFIX] No more building stuff on player, enemy or ally ocuppied area in the invasion.
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a room cell which had a “physical” golden key in it.
Until next time I wish you an awesome weekend and happy dungeon crawling! 😀
nintendo switch
Reynard Devlog #28 – Bunny Skin, Turret Animations and More (0.9.9)
Bunny Skin
I had to include a reward for the most skilled players. Here it is! A bunny skin! You’ll be able to unlock the bunny skin by completing a run under 25 minutes! It’s extremely hard, but still doable 😀
Reynard Bunny Costume
Turret Animations
Animations for the turrets now they are finally here!
Added animations to the turrets!
All Changes
- [FEATURE] Added animations for the turrets.
- [SKIN] If you unlock “Flash” achievement you will unlock the “Bunny” skin!
- [SKIN] If you unlock “They fall like bricks!” achievement you will unlock the “Racoon” skin!
- [MINOR] Enemies in the boss scene won’t drop loot and give you score anymore!
- [MINOR] If you quit and resume the game your last perk will stay selected.
- [BALANCING] Bubble, Triple and Xeno turret are not immune to fire anymore while Sun and Chill turrets are.
- [BALANCING] Buffed necro staff. It’s not breakable anymore and it has higher life steal and a rune slot!
- [BALANCING] Goblins aren’t immune to poison anymore.
- [BALANCING] Undead creatures aren’t fully immune to necrotic damage anymore.
- [BALANCING] Score relic’s values have been changed.
- [BALANCING] Added a rune slot to Hakol’s head.
- [BALANCING] Stamina cost of Abdul’s runes has been reduced from 10 to 5.
- [BALANCING] Buffed Thin Blade’s damage!
- [BUGFIX] If you have a full inventory and you try to purchase an item from the merchant you won’t loose gold anymore (this one was nasty… sorry).
- [BUGFIX] Small stamina potion is not sold under medium stamina potion prices anymore.
- [BUGFIX] Fixed the boom joe’s explosion animation.
- [BUGFIX] Fixed 5 buggy room cells.
- [BUGFIX] Dropping companion boost relic now correctly updates companion UI numbers.
- [BUGFIX] Spikes for Doctor Plague now appear only in 3rd stage (If he’s the last boss on your way to Wizco).
- [BUGFIX] Fixed zombie companions in the invasion (they would stay idle around staircase).
- [BUGFIX] Moon in main menu doesn’t appear anymore when you go to the control settings.
- [BUGFIX] Removed hints that weren’t valid anymore.
- [REMOVED] Death camera.
Next week we’re leaving early access!!! Until then… Happy dungeon crawling and bug reporting 😀
bunny skin
turret animations