Reynard Devlog #29 – Full Release (1.0.0)

Reynard is a game that I made when I dared to call myself a full-time indie game developer, a product that I made with a help of a friend and a small awesome community that formed around it.

I could be chasing version 1.0 for months or even years. But everything has to have a goal or at least a major milestone, and my main goal was to release a game that captures elements of my favorite genres in a good way. I think that my goal was achieved. Reynard has left the early access and I can’t wait for your feedback.

All Changes and Epilogue

  • [MAJOR] Because scoring changed during the development, I’ve reset the leaderboards.
  • [MINOR] Grammar fixes.
  • [BALANCING] Further improved rune generation.
  • [BALANCING] Buffed Ifrit boot’s fire trail damage.
  • [BALANCING] Buffed Barbarian’s battle axe damage.
  • [BUGFIX] No more double item purchases from merchants.
  • [REMOVED] Golem’s hand.
  • [REMOVED] Copper plank.

This is not the end! It’s a major milestone. I’ll continue to add improvements proposed by the community and my “imagination”.

I can bet that I’ll have to squash undiscovered bugs in the future and I’m pretty sure that I’ll have to start freelancing or find myself another job if I want to keep paying bills 😀

I’d like to thank Boštjan, Nika and all the supporters! We did it! Thank you so much for staying with me on this journey. It’s been a hell of a ride but I’d do it all over again.

I really hope you like what Reynard has become. You can read about the whole journey here.

PS: I had to do this 😀



full release reynard